AAUW – Gaylord Area Branch

AAUW Member Allison Boatman Graduates from Leadership Otsego County

AAUW Gaylord Area Branch Co-Presidents Mary Tomaski and Helen Mate were on-hand to celebrate Allison Boatman’s graduation from Leadership Otsego County (LOC).  AAUW sponsored fellow member Allison’s participation in LOC, a ten-month Gaylord Area Chamber of Commerce opportunity that “provides emerging leaders with essential leadership skills to plan for and respond to future Otsego County challenges”.  Allison completed the initiative with 11 other classmates who were all acknowledged during a graduation program on July 11th at BJ’s Event Center.  Congratulations, Allison!

L to R: Mary Tomaski, Allison Boatman and Helen Mate at LOC graduation.

2024 Gaylord Branch Education Award Winner Announced

Claire Gorno, a Gaylord High School senior, was selected by the AAUW Gaylord Branch to be our 2024 Education Award Winner.  Claire is an excellent student and stellar athlete while participating in the Early College Program. She has been a student mentor and a representative from her high school at a statewide advisory council for the MHSAA.  After volunteering in local elementary schools, she helped implement a program for other students to experience this opportunity. Claire’s teachers applaud her leadership skills, her discipline, and her ability to speak with passion but with intelligence and respect. Claire will attend Albion College this fall to pursue a degree in Elementary Education and will also play soccer for the Britons. Congratulations, Claire!

Claire Gorno spoke at our May Membership meeting.

 Brenda Brummel Honored at 2024 Woman Making History Event

Brenda Brummel was honored by the AAUW Gaylord Area Branch as this year’s “Woman Making History”.  A luncheon was held on March 10th at BJ’s Event Center, where 65 attendees came out to congratulate Brenda.  A silent auction was held during the event to raise funds which are used for education awards given to local Otsego County women.

Brenda Brummel was surrounded by family and friends at the 2024 Women Making History luncheon.

Brenda was honored for the impact she has had on innumerable local youth through her open-minded approach to community, philanthropy, and spirituality.  Sponsored by her church, Brenda led KIDZ ON A MISSION, a class in which the students studied various religions and visited several churches, temples and mosques.  She is currently the youth group leader at the Gaylord First Congregational Church where the same approach has been taken to introduce the students to diverse religious, ethnic and racial populations.

Following the sudden death of her son, Brenda found comfort and support in Compassionate Friends, a nonprofit organization aiding loved ones in coping with devastating loss. Her involvement led to becoming a co-chair of the national conference and producing the newsletter.  She continues her involvement in the local Otsego County Chapter. In this capacity, she has guided many devastated parents through the agony of their losses.

Brenda displaying the plaque given to her at the luncheon.

AAUW Honors Founding Member Bonnie Vance

At our November 2023 meeting, we honored Bonnie Vance’s pioneering efforts in helping to establish the Gaylord AAUW Branch.  In 1973, Bonnie, along with a small group of other Gaylord area women, had the foresight to form the Gaylord Branch, which still prospers today!   We thanked Bonnie with a luncheon and a contribution from our Branch to the local Girl Scouts organization in honor of Bonnie.  We were excited to have Amy Shamroe, AAUW Michigan President-Elect, attend that meeting, as well.  Thank you to all who prepared and served the delicious luncheon!

Founding AAUW Gaylord Member, Bonnie Vance was honored at our luncheon

(L-R): Bonnie Vance, Any Shamroe (AAUW Michigan President-Elect), Helen Mate and Mary Tomaski (Gaylord Branch Co-Presidents)

Thank You for Another Successful Used Book Sale!

Thanks to your support, we had another successful Used Book Sale!  AAUW volunteers filled the back room of the Otsego County United Way with thousands of donated books.  On Oct 6th and 7th, we had a great turn-out of customers eager to give these books a new home.    The over $2,500 collected at this event will be used to help support programming and awards so local girls and women can further their educational advancement.  It’s a win-win for everyone!

Thank you SO much to all of those who volunteered their time and energy in making this annual event run smoothly, including the 22 AAUW members who lent an hand.  Many friends and relatives of AAUW members were essential in making this event happen.  Thanks also goes to Crossroads, Walmart and the Gaylord High School Key Club for their hard work.  Special thanks goes to the United Way for letting us take over their space with mountains of books!

Just some of the many volunteers who helped out at this year’s sale: CiCi, Helen, Joan, Mary and Barb

Hank enjoys his new book found at the AAUW Used Book Sale.

AAUW Prepares Community Meal

On February 23rd,  AAUW volunteers prepared a Community Meal at the First Congregational Church.  This year’s menu was ham, cheesy potatoes, beans and slaw.  Many AAUW members made cookies and donated funds cover the cost of the meal.  Over 60 guests came out to enjoy the food and comradery.  Thank you to all who helped!

AAUW members prepared a Community Meal: (l to r) Helen Mate, Maggie Wallin, Jan Kellogg and Brenda Brummel

Please Join Us!

If you want to see what we do you can stop by our lunch meetings to check us out. We meet at noon on the second Wednesday of the month at the Otsego County Library (700 S. Otsego Ave.,Gaylord, MI 49735), and feel free to bring a sack lunch. We do not meet in July. In June and December we have an informal potluck at various locations.  If you can’t make it to our lunch meetings, you can still be involved in our mission through our various activities (see the “About Us” page).

In case of inclement weather: If Gaylord Area Schools are closed for weather, we will not meet.

AAUW Gaylord Branch Members at our annual summer potluck.

Consider donating to AAUW

  All funds go towards Education Awards and programming for local girls and women.
  Mail your contribution to AAUW, P.O. Box 1031, Gaylord, MI 49734

  Make your check out to “AAUW-Gaylord Area Branch”

Thank you!

AAUW Gaylord Area Branch: Advancing equity & education for women & girls since 1973.

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) is a nationwide organization that advances equity and education for women and girls. The Gaylord Area Branch empowers through education awards, educational programs, and honoring the achievements of local women. For more information email aauwgaylord@gmail.com.